
Hi I’m Teresa. This is my blog about my favourite things, knitting, baking, crochet and trying to grow my own veggies. Mum to three kids, chocoholic, lover of all things handmade, I will be sharing my journey to pastures new, and my various kitchen, garden and craft projects along the way.

I have always loved baking and crafting, but work and busy family life kind of took over for a while. Now I am back on track and blogging has really inspired me to give a few things a go, including crochet which I am loving! I love reading all the different blogs out there and I have picked up so many tips for being frugal, resourceful and to live more simply by using natural products, farm fresh foods, and to make my own things.

We are now living in the country on 10 acres in God’s country, Queensland sunshine coast. We left the big city of Sydney in 2014 in search of green pastures and a slower pace of life, and we have found our little slice of heaven.

I hope you enjoy reading my various ramblings of our move to country living. Thanks for visiting.


7 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Teresa, nice to read a little more about you, thanks for following my blog. As soon as I saw your blog, I just knew we’d have too much in common for me not to follow, so here I am – following :).

  2. Hi Teresa, I’m fascinated to read you left for “greener” pastures and ended up in Qld. We also live in Qld (south from you) and the hot weather and how dry and brown and dead-looking everything is makes me miserable. Is it cooler and green where you are? In any case, best of luck with your new adventure. Juli

    • Hi Juli, it was 37 degrees in nambour today, 32 degrees at our place 10 mins from nambour. The temps do vary depending where you are up here, but at the moment yes it is very green and beautiful, and hot! I am told in winter it gets very dry and we need to conserve our water. I am hoping it won’t be too bad and the green grass will stay with us. Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  3. Ah Queensland. I grew up in Sydney but lived in Queensland for short while as I travelled the East Coast. Now Iive lived in England for 20 years!
    You are living my dream, of acres and chickens and growing your own veg. I hope to be doing the same within a year!

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